Patch: auto-open folder when dragging over it (KListView)

Klaas Freitag freitag at
Fri Nov 29 08:26:36 GMT 2002

On Thu, 28 Nov 2002, David Faure wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> This patch from Pascal Létourneau <pletourn at>
> makes KListView automatically open folders (items with children)
> when dragging something onto them (and keeping the mouse button down
> for QApplication::startDragTime()).
> I could have sworn that QListView or KListView already did that, but
> apparently not :)

Maybe you saw that in an app that uses KFileTreeView, since that
widget has that behaviour also implemented.

> (Ah, and the konq sidebar has its own timer, m_autoOpenTimer)
> Question: do we want this behaviour in KListView, i.e. applied to all tree
> views in KDE? I think so, but maybe I'm missing something.
Yes, than the implementation can be removed from KFileTreeView.



 Was auch immer geschieht :                                Klaas Freitag
 Nie dürft ihr so tief sinken,                      mail freitag at
 von dem Kakao, durch den man euch zieht,           SuSE Labs, Nuernberg
 auch noch zu trinken! - E. Kaestner

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