Arghh.. libxml2 fear.. - 3.1 final tarballs

Andy Fawcett andy at
Tue Nov 26 14:22:01 GMT 2002

On Tuesday 26 November 2002 16:00, Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> Em Tuesday 26 November 2002 11:43, Andy Fawcett escreveu:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps
> Hi Andy..
> I'm aware of this bug a long time ago, but it' suposed to libxml2
> fixed already in .28 ( i tied up other packagers here in .25 too long
> ) and the staff submitted the new version to our buildsystem..
> Thanks anyway

Hi Helio,

This is the one that we saw (on FreeBSD) that caused the xmllint 
problems with 2.4.27. It was a different problem we saw with .26

>From Lauri's bug report:

"Current released version of libxml2, 2.4.27 cannot build the KDE docs. 
Some of them pass, but most fail with a segfault. top shows xmllint is 
taking up all the CPU. xmllint eventually either hangs or coredumps"

In the URL above, there's a link to a patch that 
apparently fixes the problem.


Andy Fawcett      |   "In an open world without walls and fences,
andy at |      we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."
tap at    |                              -- anon

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