[PATCH] fixing sort order in KServiceGroup

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Tue Nov 19 15:47:29 GMT 2002

On Tuesday 19 November 2002 15:11, Oliver Bausinger wrote:
> Hi,
> attached a tiny patch that fixes the sort order within KServiceGroup. For
> example of broken sort order see the kicker preferences menu extension or
> kcontrols icon view (or any other place where the sort order given by
> entryPath is different from the order given by Name)
> Please review. Is this OK for 3.1?

No, name is used for indexing as the comment above it indicates. If you change 
it, you break KServiceGroupFactory::findGroupByDesktopPath.

(KSycoca uses name() as key for the primary search index, since KServiceGroups 
can only be accessed based on the path, the path is the primary key)

Altenative patch attached.

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