Konsole and Terminal icons [Re: Oh well...]

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Mon Nov 18 13:10:13 GMT 2002

On Monday 18 November 2002 2:50 pm, Waldo Bastian wrote:
|  On Monday 18 November 2002 11:51, Vadim Plessky wrote:
|  > // Waldo: what do you think about such variant of shell?
|  > Terminal icon displays prompt. Should it have something else?
|  I wouldn't immediately recognize the round curly thing as a shell, and if
| I did I would recognize it as a "schelp" and I do not associate "schelp"
| with command shell. (I must admit that I have no idea what the dutch word
| for 'command shell' is.)

what is 'schelp'?  "Secure Command-line Help"?
(by association with 'scp'  from OpenSSH)

As about round curly thing: yes, I know, it's not perfect.
* it renders better, especaily at small sizes, than Shell icons form some know 
icon themes
*  it fully represents concept of "growth", presented in Nature around us.

Trees are growing, dogs are growing, and shells (oh, well! ;-)  are growing, 
Spiral is the most simple object in Polar coordinates (R=a*fi, where 'a' is 
constant, R= current distance from polus, and 'fi' is an angle) 
So, for some people it's as elegant as a stright line to Euclid, and even 
better. (not everyone is happy with Euclid geometry and X-Y coordiantes)

'shell' can be translated into Russian as:
1) раковина (house of crab/cancer)
2) скорлупа ('cover' of an egg, 'egg-shell')
3) оболочка ('cover')
4) панцирь, щит (that's what turtle has instead of skin; 'coat of mail', 
5) остов, каркас  (skeleton)

I prefer variant 1) of translation, so any kind of seashell is o.k., IMO.
If existing SVG renderers could have good support for background images- that  
hi-res phot of seashell could be very good representation of such 'shell'.

Variant 2) is funny, though.
I can imagine shell icon as small chicken which just discovered World second 
ago, when he got out of egg-shell.
What about this?
Sound good for project like Lindows. 
Probably, I should offer them this idea! ;-)

|  > Do people use '>' or '$' as a prompt?
|  > I am afradi that novice users would think of Money when they see $ sign
|  > on panel.  Or I am wrong here?
|  I think "> _" as in your last icon makes a good prompt, I would make the
|  prompt slightly smaller and use the perspective of the first icon.

Yes, of course: prompt is much smaller in real life.
Problem is that it becomes almost unreadable if I make it smaller (at 32x32 
and 22x22 sizes)

|  See also the new gnome icon (attached)

Is it really *new* icon?
106 colors and no alpha (in contrast with 614 colors and alpha in my variant).
And while it is not ugly , I would say it's *clumsy* (hope it's the right 
English word for this)

BTW: do you know, by any chance, when GNOME & GTK icons are discussed?
I doubt that GTK-devel is a right mailing list for this. And Nautilus list 
seems a bit silent...
I'd like to cooperate with GNOME/GTK guys on common icon set (as I already 
stated on my SVG Icons page)

|  Cheers,
|  Waldo


Vadim Plessky
SVG Icons
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http://kde2.newmail.ru  (English)
KDE mini-Themes

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