QT font settings...

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Fri Nov 15 15:08:56 GMT 2002

I've noticed that KDE does not apply its font settings to Qt based apps -
e.g. designer. Is this deliberate, or an oversite? As KDE applies its themes
and colours to Qt apps, shouldn't the font settings also be applied?

The following diff to kdebase/kcontrol/fonts/fonts.cpp fixes this:

2002-11-15 15:03     diff -u -l2 fonts.cpp.orig fonts.cpp      Page    1

--- fonts.cpp.orig	Fri Nov 15 15:01:40 2002
+++ fonts.cpp	Fri Nov 15 15:01:42 2002
@@ -508,4 +508,6 @@
   config->setGroup( "General" );
   for ( FontUseItem* i = fontUseList.first(); i; i = fontUseList.next() ) {
+      if("font"==i->rcKey())
+          QSettings().writeEntry("/qt/font", i->font().toString());
       kdDebug () << "write entry " <<  i->rcKey() << endl;
       config->writeEntry( i->rcKey(), i->font() );

Can I comit this? Or is it way too late? It's a failry minor change.


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