East Coast Development Session (was Re: Reflections on Lisa02)

Nadeem Hasan nhasan at nadmm.com
Thu Nov 14 04:39:36 GMT 2002

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 11:07 am, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 10 November 2002 02:28 pm, Zack Rusin wrote:
> > On a sidenote, me and Ian think about doing a KDE hacking session
> > sometime in December, either before, after or while Christmas. If you
> > live somewhere on US east coast, contact either one of us. I can
> > overnight two people easily, Ian probably around 50 ;) So accommodation
> > shouldn't be a problem.
> I dont think I can take care of 50 developers but I do have enough room so
> that if we wanted to have 10 or so developers meet on we can do real work.
> I will be local here over the holiday season, and since most of the guys in
> school here have break over the holidays maby we should have a development
> session.  How many people on the east coast would be willing to come to
> philly to bang out some code for KDE 3.2?
> If anyone is interested get ahold of me or Zack and we will start nailing
> down dates and locations.

I would be available the whole week of 12/16. I am about 2-3 hours drive from Ian
so getting there is not a problem in case we meet there.
Nadeem Hasan
nhasan at nadmm.com

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