KDE 3.1: one week delay

Dave Corrie kde at davecorrie.com
Mon Nov 11 18:45:42 GMT 2002

On Monday 11 November 2002 3:26 pm, George Staikos wrote:
> Interesting the way this renders in kmail.  Replying is ok, but the
> link cannot be properly viewed or clicked on in kmail.

I never thought I'd see a URL that was 4481 chars in length!

KMail does not turn URLs longer than 4096 chars into clickable links 
(reason: security paranoia). Same for email addresses over 255 chars. 
These limits are quite arbitrary, but  were decided upon 
(http://lists.kde.org/?l=kmail&m=101924282915726) before bugzilla was 
adopted :)



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