Experiences with KDE-CVS at LinuxWorldExpo

Antonio Larrosa Jiménez larrosa at kde.org
Sun Nov 3 23:03:09 GMT 2002

El Domingo, 3 de Noviembre de 2002 22:30, David F. Newman escribió:
> version of KDE.  I personally run into various problems because my
> home directory is NFS mounted and one machine might have the
> latest KDE in CVS installed, and another might be running the last
> stable release, while yet another might be running something older.
> Problems range from apps crashing to the entire desktop bombing
> and kicking me back to the login screen.  The solution invariably
> is to remove ~/.kde and to start over.  I can put up with it, but a
> userbase in the 1000s might not.

You can use something like
expr "`kde-config -v | grep KDE:`" ":" "KDE: \([.0-9]*\)"
to get the KDE version and then set the env var $KDEHOME to something 
different for different KDE versions in your login scripts (before running 


Antonio Larrosa Jimenez
KDE core developer - larrosa at kde.org
Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human.  At best he is 
a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe and not make 
messes in the house.

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