From the user perspective (Was: Re: Clipboard for the dummies)

Roger Larsson roger.larsson at
Fri Nov 1 19:36:56 GMT 2002

OK, lets look at this from the user perspective:

* Assume that the user want to select an url in kmail, and then view that url
in konqueror. But to complicate things - assume there is a location entered 
there already...

What can happen:
1. Select in kmail (no Ctrl-C)
	1.1 Click "Clear location bar" before MMB should work
	1.2 Double click on the url (MS Win way) results in a new selection,
		MMB will confuse the user...
	1.3 Double click on the url, then Ctrl-V inserts some old text

2. Select and copy (Ctrl-C) in kmail 
	2.1 MMB after "Clear location bar" should work
	2.2 Double click on the url and then MMB won't work (as case 1.2)
	2.3 Double click on the url and then Ctrl-V should work
		Note: If selection of a text automatically moves it to the clipboard
		this won't work...

3. Copy (Ctrl-C) without mouse
	It is possible when the program makes the selection (and using the keyboard.)
	The visual feedback to the user is the same as when selecting using mouse.
	3.1 MMB after "Clear location bar" should work
	3.2 Double click on the url and MMB won't work (as in case 1.2)
	3.3 Double click on the url and then Ctrl-V should work

4. Selection without mouse
	Possible with keyboard (Shift right and left)
	4.1 MMB after "Clear location bar" should work
	4.2 Double click on the url and MMB won't work (as in case 1.2)
	4.3 Double click on the url and then Ctrl-V inserts some old text (as in 1.3)

Rule for 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.2:
	Are OK since the selection copy is a feature that many OS:es does not have.

Rule for 1.3 and 3.3:
	Only text copied with Ctrl-C is possible to insert with Ctrl-V

Rule for 3.1:
	A Copy will modify Selection - possible to implement bug free?

Rule for 4.1:
	A keyboard selection needs to modify Selection - possible to fix?

Roger Larsson

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