kde 3.1 -- make Keramik default?

aleXXX alexander.neundorf at gmx.net
Thu May 30 23:36:49 BST 2002

On Thursday 30 May 2002 23:45, Roberto H. Alsina wrote:
> KDE is a pig on old computers. GNOME works faster on them. KDE does work
> ok on modern computers, though. I can run GNOME on a 32MB computer, KDE
> doesn't unless I perform extensive configuration/castration.
> XFCE kills both.

Yes, sad but true.
Would be nice if it wouldn't be that way.
Then the box of my sister (now win 95) and of my girlfriend (now XFCE) would 
run KDE :-)
So, let's make KDE yet faster (I know, it's already much faster than 2.0 and 
optimizing it ain't easy)


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