kde 3.1 -- make Keramik default?

Christoph Cullmann crossfire at babylon2k.de
Thu May 30 18:41:04 BST 2002

On Thursday 30 May 2002 19:34, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 10:19:06AM -0700, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > This isn't about who made them.  This is about replacing the known,
> > familiar KDE look with something different for no reason other than to be
> > different.
> >
> > This is about people coming out of the woodwork to bash the existing KDE
> > look, calling it a copy, non-modern, and whatnot, when this existing
> > default widget style has been default since KDE 2.0.
> <...>
> sig:
> > "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
> > because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
> > have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
> HIhi; that's a match! :)
> > > If we
> > > decide to use these stuff for 3.1, that is no "Trash the existing
> > > icons, trash the existing look", it is just a modernisation of the
> > > look'n'feel
> >
> > Modernization?  How is one more "modern" than another?  Can you define
> > what looking "modern" means?  Are the old styles coal burning while
> > keramik is electric?
> As always Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and lots of people have
> told us the Keramic style is beautiful. (I am one of them)
> Its different, yes.  People like it, and new replaces old that is the way
> of the world. Don't fight change, embrace it. Use it.
> Thanx for your attention ;)
Well said.

Christoph "Crossfire" Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at kde.org

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