kicker: no drag-resizing anymore

Nadeem Hasan nhasan at
Mon May 27 02:10:42 BST 2002

On Sunday 26 May 2002 08:17 pm, Ryan Cumming wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On May 26, 2002 15:56, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > who removed the drag-resizing of kicker and why ?
> You can still drag-resize Kicker, if the panel has a size that isn't one of
> the default ones. Even going to Custom->46 won't even make a resizable
> Kicker, because 46 is a default size.
> I think that there should be a CustomSize bool in the Kicker config, so
> that the Kicker is -always- drag resizable if one chooses Custom. Either
> that, or have a seperate "Drag resizable" checkbox in the Kicker config.

The basic problem is that kicker has just the size stored in the config
and it and the config code determines from this size whether kicker is
tiny, small, normal, large or custom size. This is broken. Kicker should
use two config variables, a size variable, which specifies the above
mentioned sizes and a pixel size variable which is used only if size=custom.

Nadeem Hasan
nhasan at

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