
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu May 23 21:01:42 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On May 23, 2002 01:47 pm, John Firebaugh wrote:
> If the extension is just going to use its custom size as returned by the
> sizeHint(), isn't having a config option that doesn't do anything even more
> perplexing?
> Is it appropriate to change the size of the dockbar extension (the dockapps
> aren't going to resize accordingly)? What about the taskbar extension? To
> be useful, a size control for the taskbar extension needs to be able to
> have a width range of something like 75-200 pixels.

in that case perhaps defining in the extension's .desktop file what it will 
and will not accept. e.g.: 

  o does it allow size changes at all?
  o does it allow Tiny / Small / Normal / Large?
  o does it allow Custom? if so, what's the pixel range?
  o what is the default?

this will allow the kcm to adapt its display intelligently to the various 

and yes, i think an extension should be encouraged to use the Tiny, etc 
nomenclature, if they use any at all. that way extensions that are resizable 
will be written consistently and not however the author decided to do it.

we will still need a way to communicate that a size change has occurred to the 
extension, though. *sigh*

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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