Include sth into Qt/qt-copy?

Michael Goffioul goffioul at
Thu May 23 15:14:49 BST 2002


For about 2 months now, I have a patch for qt-copy on my HD, that add
the missing QPrinter::setMargins() feature. This function, along with
code that already exists, would allow to control the print margins
from any KDE app that prints in non fullpage mode (GUI also already
exists). The Qt patch is BC.
I already wrote several mails to TT (qt-bugs), IIRC I started more than
one year ago to ask for that basic missing function. I talked with
Lars. I also sent the patch I have 2 months ago. I never got any
feedback to my mails.
I wonder if it would be good to commit the patch to qt-copy (maybe
it will make things to change faster), and activate the code in KDE
using a couple of #ifdef statements, only if QPrinter::setMargins is

The patch is attached.


Michael Goffioul		IMEC-DESICS-MIRA
e-mail: goffioul at	(Mixed-Signal and RF Applications)
Tel:    +32/16/28-8510		Kapeldreef, 75
Fax:    +32/16/28-1515		3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM
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