GCC 3.1 - even slower compilation and relocation

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Fri May 17 22:27:19 BST 2002

On Friday 17 May 2002 01:59 pm, Piotr Szymanski wrote:
> Hello,
> Once on a beatiful day Friday 17 May 2002 22:35, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> > I would appreciate it if you wouldn't advice people to use such a broken
> > setup. We don't support objprelink because it gives problems, and the
> > startkde file on kde-look is wrong in many ways.
> Well, works for me, I think that it is at least worth to try it, if it does
> not work, than you get rid of it, but okay, I will not advice anyone to use
> it, there is no sense in telling begginners to use an unstable/broken
> feature. But since there are no begginners at kde-core-devel it is safe
> post here. But I will remeber not to tell the users to use it.
> BTW. Would feel like writing what is wrong in the modified strtkde to
> djurban at linuxpl.org, please? I would just like to know out of curiousity.

It breaks the startup order. Some things have to happen before other things. 
E.g. kde applications need to have an up to date ksycoca database, so before 
starting any application you must start kded to ensure that ksycoca is up to 

bastian at kde.org  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian at suse.com

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