GCC 3.1 - even slower compilation and relocation
Piotr Szymanski
djurban at linuxpl.org
Fri May 17 21:28:03 BST 2002
Once on a beatiful day Friday 17 May 2002 17:40, Rolf Magnus wrote:
> Conlcusion: gcc 3.1 is slow, even much slower than 2.95.3 :(, and app
> startup times will go up again.
This is total bogus! Although compilation takes much time, kdebase compiled
with gcc-3.1 on my Duron 800 as long as with 2.95 and as for the startup
time, I propose that you compile qt-3.0.4 & kde 3_0_1 tag with objprelink and
exchange kdebase's startkde with startkde from:
http://www.kde-look.org/content/files/1332-startup.tar.gz, it starts kde in
4-26 second which is nothing compared to 1:30 sec, with the script provided
with kdebase, unfortunately it has ksplash cut out, so you have to add it to
the script (using kde without ksplash is like having a pc without linux),
then it starts from 7-30 minutes, the strange thing is that when using this
version of startkde all the apps load faster :)).
!: Piotr Szymanski | LinuxPL Dev. Team Member | KDE i18n-pl coordinator
@: djurban at linuxpl.org | The website is coming
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