kdesktop's new device links

Christoph Cullmann crossfire at babylon2k.de
Sat May 11 22:45:02 BST 2002

On Saturday 11 May 2002 22:59, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> At 01:35 PM 5/11/2002, you wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >On Saturday May 11, 2002 08:02, Christian A Strømmen \[Number1/NumeroUno\]
> >
> >wrote:
> > > The "problem" with drive letters is that it's become more or less
> > > standard.. Been in a bios-setup lately? Most bios today use A: and B:
> > > for floppies (and some even C: etc for disks)..
> >
> >If by standard you mean standard on only one architecture.
> well let's see, there were a variety of architectures that used/use it like
> cp/m, all versions of dos like MS DOS/DR DOS/IBM DOS etc, windows (all
> versions), the various window managers that use to exist on dos, gem,
> amigados, os/2 to name a few.  Then you've got the unix/linux style which
> deals with partitions (which I find almost as annoying as drive letters)
> then you have the mini/mainframe model which treats disk as disk, add 20
> drives and you have more disk space in general without having to assign it
> here or there or having drive letters.  Indeed though,  everything is
> pretty driver letter centric these days and has been for a while.
But we are on the unix side, why should we break that tradition for something 
equal bad or even worser from the doc/windows/... side ?


> >- --
> >Neil Stevens - neil at qualityassistant.com
> >"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
> >because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
> >have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
> >Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> >Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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> >W4xOybCgwRb3kL6fEIZX8Cs=
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> Regards,
> Shawn Gordon
> President
> theKompany.com
> www.thekompany.com
> 949-713-3276

Christoph "Crossfire" Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at kde.org

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