PATCH: Extended KFileCopyJob

Julian Rockey linux at
Mon May 6 00:54:51 BST 2002

Before the 3.0 release I submitted this patch to extend the function of 
KFileCopyJob to allow copy jobs to automatically create directories if 
needed. For example, when copying




if the directories other and url don't exist, this function will (optionally, 
via the autoCreateDirs flag in the constructor) automatically create them 
instead of returning an error

I submit the patch in the form of a subclass of KFileCopyJob (I use this class 
in my KFS application). It would need tidying up (and a proper K name) before 
including it. Alternatively instead of using a subclass I could merge the 
changes directly into KFileCopyJob (being careful about BC of course).

Depending on which method's used, a KIO:: helper function would be useful too.

At this stage I'm interested in any comments?


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