unable to display image in konqueror

Maks Orlovich mo002j at mail.rochester.edu
Mon May 6 04:35:20 BST 2002

On Sunday 05 May 2002 05:37 pm, Matthias Welwarsky wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone check if he can see the following image with konqueror?
> http://www.poisonedminds.com/comics/ssdd20020503.png
> I can only see garbage, or nothing at all, though kview displays the image
> allright.

Had a lot problems like that lately.... No large png's show up (or only strips 
show up while an image is loading, sliding down the screen); the Konq intro 
page is pretty screwed up as well.

Latest qt-copy, KDE from < 1 week ago (not sure of exact build time beyound 
that), libpng-1.2.1; trying to revert qpngio and qimage to 3.0.3 versions 
didn't seem to help..

-Maksim Orlovich

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