Proposal for KControl

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sun Jun 30 06:29:30 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 29 June 2002 11:04, Charles Samuels wrote:
> lørdag 29 juni 2002, 05:02 pm, skrev Aaron J. Seigo:
> > > Why would a user configure kspell if they don't run it ? :)
> >
> > heh.. of course they wouldn't, but expecting a user to figure out that
> > the way to configure it is to run a spell check on a document and click
> > on configure is not a very logical set of steps to expect them to go
> > through.
> >
> > it would be like telling them that to configure kmail they first have to
> > send a dummy email.
> It's like telling them to Run KMail before they configure KMail.  No user
> would say "I want to spell check, I'll run kcontrol to configure it"

no, they'll say "I'll run the component center to configure it." heh. maybe.

/me dreams

> Except that users won't see "The Konsole part in Kate" as "The Konsole
> Part", they'll see it as "That thing in Kate which works like Konsole"

which is why it shouldn't be called "Konsole" in the component center thingy, 
but something like "Command Line" ...

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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