QSocket problem with transconnect (proxy)?

Thiago Macieira thiagom at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jun 19 12:07:25 BST 2002

Michael Goffioul wrote
>5) tries AGAIN to connect but this time using d->addr and d->port,
>   however d->addr == I looked into qsocket.cpp and this is
>   the only place where d->addr is used, so I don't know if d->addr
>   can be different from, and where it might be set to something
>   different.
>I found it because when you use transconnect, each connect is analyzed
>by this utility: the first address is usually covered and
>considered as local such that no proxy is used. However the second
>one is not covered as local address and the utility tries to
>use the proxy and just fails. is the Any Address. You can't connect to that address. You can only 
bind to it. It seems that QSocket is trying to go past the end of its list of 
resolved addresses.

The only thing that sends to, as far as I know, is DHCP/BOOTP. Or was 

  Thiago Macieira - UFOT Registry number: 1001
 thiagom at mail.com
   ICQ UIN: 1967141  PGP: will create new keys. Erase the old ones!
     Registered Linux user #65028

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