Dedicated bug (system) discussion list? [was: Bug#45196: KDE bugs database needs a spring cleaning]

Roberto Teixeira maragato at
Fri Jul 26 16:03:12 BST 2002

Am Freitag 26 Juli 2002 11:28 schrieb Vadim Plessky:
> Unfortunately, input from *average* user is always discouraging.

Disouraging but necessary nevertheless.

> That's why IMO we need to clean KDE Bug System first (close bugs with bad
> descriptions, not-reproducable, etc.), than concentrate on valid bugs.

Well, IMHO we don't need a special day for that. It's already being done daily 
as a lot of people are constantly searching the bug database, replying to bug 
reports, fixing and closing bugs (which were fixed or invalid). KDE already 
has a KDE Janitor Project, it's just not formally named so :-)


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