[PATCH] KDoubleSpinBox and KDoubleValidator

Marc Mutz Marc.Mutz at uni-bielefeld.de
Wed Jul 24 20:53:35 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 17 July 2002 23:54, Marc Mutz wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 July 2002 23:04, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> > On Mit, 17 Jul 2002, Marc Mutz wrote:
> > > Ok, attached patch ( against BRANCH, but should apply against
> > > HEAD, too) ports KDoubleNumInout to use KDoubleSpinBox.
> >
> > Great. (although there was no patch).
> Oops. Here it comes.

And here comes the (hopefully) final version. it fixes a few bugs and 
adds some more tests to knuminputtest. Among them is a math test for 
KNumInput, which triggers a drawing bug in QCommonStyle (there are no 
or only one tickmark where there should be ten). Reported to qt-bugs.

The other thing that's new is a set of methods (both for kint- and 
kdoublenuminput) that deal with relative values (relative w.r.t. to a 
settable reference point). That makes it easy to implement "keep aspect 
ratio" functionality with just a cross-connection of signals, see the 
examples in knuminputtest vs. the implementation of e.g. 

Please check for BC issues. I've taken great care not to break it, but 
there are some no-longer-used member variables that need to be kept 
uptodate b/c inlined getters exist or they are protected.

All in all it's become quite a big patch (>50K).


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