artsd monitor - step1

Roger Larsson roger.larsson at
Tue Jul 23 00:00:58 BST 2002

Hi again,

First somewhat working rt_monitor for artsd.

In this version it monitors all RT processes.
And lowers the priority class for all if there is a problem...
  This is probably not what you want...

This survives Stefans exploit - all processes get their priority reduced.

But the problem is that such a system are pretty unusable anyway...
I could switch back to X after the exploit had run.

The monitor is written so that it will not require new resources once it has 
started (printf's should probably be removed as well). And it does also lock 
allocated resources down... (We do not want to end up in a situation where a 
user can fool the monitor to be the cause of a lock...)

Stefan have you tested the exploit on a non RT artsd - what happens?
(I will test this too...)

Important: compile and run this program as "root"
It can still run as any user for testing purposes... - this feature will be 


Roger Larsson
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