[PATCH]: menu button in window deco

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at olympusproject.org
Sat Jul 20 02:20:35 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Hi ...

while experimenting with kwin window decorations, i discovered that single 
clicking the menu button when the menu is already shown does not hide the 
menu. this is unlike other menus in KDE.

even worse, double clicking on the menu button actually closes the window! 
this is hidden, destructive, duplicated behaviour that is overloaded onto a 
widget whose purpose is not closing windows (it's popping up a menu).

the attached patch applies to the appropriate window decos in kdebase and 
changes the menu button to hide the popup when clicked if the menu is 
visible, and not to close the window when the button is double clicked.

talking with frederik on IRC i discovered that the "double click == close" is 
how it works (worked?) in Windows. therefore i have left it as is in quartz 
and redmond, since those are both windows-alikes (as i understand it?)

if the patch is approved for committing, i'd like to make similar changes to 
the decos in kdeartwork ...

take care.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"
    - Albert Einstein
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