[PATCH] KDoubleSpinBox and KDoubleValidator

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Wed Jul 17 22:04:13 BST 2002

On Mit, 17 Jul 2002, Marc Mutz wrote:

> Ok, attached patch ( against BRANCH, but should apply against HEAD, too) 
> ports KDoubleNumInout to use KDoubleSpinBox.

Great. (although there was no patch). 

> There's just one incompatibility I came across when testing: The valid 
> range now depends on the precision instead of the step size. This 
> causes kdeui/tests/knuminputtest:math test to fail. Instead of
> [-100,000,000.000,100,000,000.000]
> the range is now
> [0,100,000.000]
> most probably because this test sets the range, precision and value in 
> exactly the wrong order, but even with the right order the range would 
> be limited to +-2,147,438.000 (INT_MAX/10^3).

Jup. the test was just arbitary. Not a big problem. 

Dirk (received 847 mails today)

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