Dedicated bug (system) discussion list? [was: Bug#45196: KDE bugs database needs a spring cleaning]

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Jul 15 19:30:47 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 15 July 2002 12:02, Stephan Binner wrote:
> On Sunday 14 July 2002 11:30, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> >  o prioritize remaining bugs
> >  o document the reproducable bugs
> How prioritize? bugs.k.o doesn't know fine granular severities or

i'm aware of this unfortunate limitation. doesn't mean we can't create "Top 
10" type lists for and with the maintainers, however ...

> milestones. And what does "document" mean? Every bug left should be
> reproducable :-)...

sometimes a reproducable bug isn't obviously reproducable. the steps to take 
as described by the user may be erroneous or poorly explained, the bug may 
have other interesting effects that help track it down and test against, the 
bug may actually be a symptom of an underlying problem, etc, etc... these are 
pretty typical of the things i've run into when working w/the bugs system and 
it would be nice to capture some of the data for later development work.

> > it would be best IMO if 2-4 apps were a focus at each bug fest so that we
> > can get a bunch of eyes on the same code base at the same time. it would
> > also be good if the maintainers of those apps can be around to help make
> Good idea when it can be organized and users of these apps can be
> attracted.

i'm hoping to be able to enlist the help / involvement of tech news sites such 
as theDot and KDE News, along with msgs to kde-devel and the appropriate 
developers to raise awareness when the time comes ...

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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