idea for a KDE UI feature

Roger Larsson roger.larsson at
Sat Jul 13 20:33:08 BST 2002

On Saturday 13 July 2002 20.11, Richard Moore wrote:
> From: "Waldo Bastian" <bastian at>
> > Ah, I see now, you need to hover rather long though, that's why I hadn't
> > noticed it. It's also rather difficult to select the right entry since the
> > drag-icon is much bigger than the taskbar entry. No idea what to do with
> that
> > though.
> Use kasbar - it uses bigger icons. :-)
> Seriously though, changing the timeout is no problem - how long should it
> be?
> 1 second perhaps?
> Rich.

Please also note Bug#45073 "When holding a file over a grouped task only the 
first opens"

Hovering over an icon should emit a LMB click to be able to select one of the 
grouped windows  - maybe this should work in all applications?

Drag a file over a folder
 - release => move the file
 - hover => click on the item (opens the folder)

Regarding the timeout - it is too long today...


Roger Larsson

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