Constructive feedback from Eugenia

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Jul 12 13:10:56 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 12 July 2002 06:01, Richard Moore wrote:
> Not necessarily - I think it could be handled by modifying the child panel
> extension to include a resize policy that follows the size hint of its
> contents. You could then add a taskbar to this to create the effect. Do you
> think this would work?

this is exactly where i was heading ... =)

i want to take a look at the possibility of implementing it in the taskbar 
applet first though, since that will entail a smaller chance (e.g. zero) of  
breaking other applets unexpectedly who were relying on the old behaviour.

i don't know if there are any, but i usually get a little jittery when 
modifying something like a base class' behaviour. 

if successful i nthe taskbar applet and finidng that other applets could use 
the same functionality, perhaps then we could look at moving it up the class 
hierarchy ... well, that and if it proves unwieldly / impossible to do in the 
taskbar applet ...

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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