VFolders isn't a standard yet

Glynn Foster glynn.foster at sun.com
Mon Jul 8 11:58:01 BST 2002


> > In an corporate environment, something that both GNOME and KDE [to my
> > limited knowledge] have't ever really thought about up until now, the
> > heirarchical menu scheme doesn't really scale all that well.
> Please explain what limits the scalability of the hierarchical (file-system) 
> based approach. Also, please explain what makes the corporate environment 
> different (and different from what).

I kinda mentioned this in a previous mail. System administrators should,
in my mind, be able to edit a single location to control all menus
within a sytem of users. Having a single file to control this allows the
possibility of importing menus from other places, controlling which menu
items should be visible to a select group of users, etc.. I don't
believe that having a hierarchical based approach makes this an easy
thing to do.

> > Windows maintaining their menus just fine? You are kidding, right? :/
> Please explain what you mean. I don't tend to argue, I just try to see what 
> danger haunts us.

Yeah, I guess this is probably more of a packaging issue. My perception,
as a part time user, is that it is really easy to add menus but slighly
harder to remove them. I can only guess that administering them isn't
that straightforward. I'm sure I can come up with more arguments, but
it's Monday morning :/

			See ya,
				Glynn ;)

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