The "E" in "KDE" (more or less was: KDE RC Authority)

Neil Stevens neil at
Fri Jul 5 21:54:24 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday July 05, 2002 09:14, Klas Kalass wrote:
> Am Freitag, 5. Juli 2002 14:38 schrieb Rob Kaper:
> [..]
> > To answer the first two questions, well, that has been made a lot
> > trickier with kdeextragear. Apparently it is part of KDE, because it
> > will be released as a package by us. But apparently not, because it
> > will be released seperate
> It is a part of KDE, but will never be released as a package. It is
> supposed to be some kind of "pool" for applications that deserve to be
> considered part of the KDE project (and are stable so they do not fit
> into kdenonbeta) but can't be in the main KDE Distribution for whatever
> reason.

Three questions then:

1. What makes it different from nonbeta then?  Many of us have had no 
problem installing nice stable apps, nor have developers had problems 
making releases from nonbeta.

CVS is a development tool, not a package browser.  Organizing things in cvs 
as a clue for a status (stability) that could change at any time, with a 
system like cvs that makes moving things around impossible without shell 
access, seems a huge waste of people's time to me.

2. Why the -1 in the name, if this is just a pool?

3. Why not just use the existing themed directories as pools?

> AFAIK kdenonbeta is for unstable apps.

To my knowledge nonbeta was for apps that weren't in the beta, that is, not 
being released.

> And the gear has no release cycle.

So just use nonbeta.. when we have -10 gears, nonbeta will look a lot 

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
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