kdebindings/smoke/qt question

Ralf Nolden nolden at kde.org
Sat Dec 28 17:25:34 GMT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Samstag, 28. Dezember 2002 16:36, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> If I understand this correct, then the files in kdebindigns/smoke/qt are
> generated through reading the qt headers and created via the
> smoke/qt/generate.pl script. Then the makefile.am script generates an
> according Makefile.am to that. Now, to exclude the styles, one only has to
> add the header files to the following section:
> my %excludes = (
>     'qaccessible.h' => 1,  # Accessibility support is not compiled by
> defaut 'qxt.h' => 1, # Xt
>     'qxtwidget.h' => 1, # Xt
>     'qmotif.h' => 1, # Motif
>     'qmotifdialog.h' => 1, # Motif
>     'qmotifwidget.h' => 1, # Motif
>     'qgl.h' => 1, # OpenGL
>     'qnp.h' => 1, # NSPlugin
>     'qdns.h' => 1, # internal
>     'qttableview.h' => 1,  # Not in Qt anymore...
>     'qtmultilineedit.h' => 1,  # Not in Qt anymore...
>     'qwidgetfactory.h' => 1,  # Part of designer uilib, not of qt
>     'qassistantclient.h' => 1,  # Part of assistant lib, not of qt
>     'qsharedmemory.h' => 1 # "not part of the Qt API" they say
> For example:
>     'qwindowsstyle.h' => 1 # Qt windowsstlye, plugin
> If yes, can I update kdebindings/smoke/qt and commit to branch and HEAD ?
Fixes the problem. Can I commit ? (and remove the files generated plus upload 
newly generated ones made with qt-3.1.1 ?)

> Thanks
> Ralf
> :wq

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Ralf Nolden
nolden at kde.org

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