KDE 3.1: delayed
Vadim Plessky
lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Fri Dec 6 09:51:36 GMT 2002
On Friday 06 December 2002 2:44 am, Dirk Mueller wrote:
| The KDE 3.1 release has to be delayed further. Here is why.
| On November 26th, we've been notified by FozZy from the "Hackademy
| Audit Project" about security problems in KDE. They can, after user
| Yesterday, on the targetted announcement date of KDE 3.1, Waldo and I
| realized that while we only had audited maybe 30% of the code yet, we have
| found enough occasions for them to be a big showstopper.
| A short query on the packagers mailinglist showed that for the majority
| there is no big pressure on having a KDE 3.1 to be released
| according to the schedule. I'm considering a 3.1 with known security bugs
| a no-go anyway, even though we first thought that those are minor that the
| fix can wait for 3.1.1, I no longer think that this is the case.
| Waldo, George, Lubos and I think that we can finish the audit by
| middle/end of next week. This however brings us in a bad position: its
| unlikely that we get many binary packages so short before christmas
| holidays, which means that KDE 3.1 would go out, if released this year,
| probably with few or none binary packages at the announcement date.
I can build packages for Linux-Mandrake 8.2 (unless someone else is
volunteering this :-)
Cooker has RC3 RPMs, and I hope Laurent can update those to RC5 when tarballs
are ready.
I have open question, though.
Is FontConfig required for KDE 3.1/Qt 3.1 build?
Or, at least, is it "recommended"?
As I needed Xr/Xc (which required recent Xrender extension), I have rebuilt
XFree86-4.2.1 with FontConfig.
Should update to XFree86 be released as well?
I am speaking here for end-user's point of view, of course building/packaging
XFree86 is out of KDE scope.
But as latest-stable XFree86 is highly recommened, and I have built it anyway
- I tend to release it. May be, I would steup project on SF to support this.
| So, to sum up, we have two options:
| a) Try to finish ASAP and try to get it out before christmas. December
| 12 could be a good tagging date.
I would vote for this.
We should not delay release to the next year.
| b) Take the time and schedule for a release next year. Something around
| January 8, 2003 sounds like a good candidate (tagging date,
| announcement rougly a week later)
| I neither like any of them, but I prefer to go with b), as it also allows
| for other bugs which have been reported to be fixed. For an impression
| just have a look at the lately steadily rising open bug count on
| http://bugs.kde.org/.
| In any way I'll tar up and release the current 3_1_BRANCH as 3.1RC5 in a
| few hours. Many fixes for the above mentioned security problems are in
| there, but there are still big chunks of code and patches pending for
| review. There will be no binary packages as those which were made during
| the last week refer to be "KDE 3.1 final" and are anyway not up to date.
| As soon as the code review is finished we will have to release updates for
| KDE 3.0.x (and at least patches for KDE 2.x) anyway.
| Comments, opinions, suggestions, flames welcome.
| Dirk
Vadim Plessky
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