Leaving KMail development

Don Sanders sanders at kde.org
Tue Dec 3 03:44:23 GMT 2002

On Tuesday 03 December 2002 00:23, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> From what I've seen Ingo's work in the last months
>  is more valuable and more difficult than Don's.
> So I'm inclided to  think that Ingo contributed "more" than Don in
> the last three months or so.

If you are talking about code I think implementing Search Folder 
(a.ka. virtual folder) support by itself is a significant 
achievement, I'm actually finding this a genuinely useful feature and 
I think many users will agree with that. But I don't wish to debate 
this topic here, if anyone is interested in my recent code 
contributions they can check them out at: http://kmailcool.org

At least I'm responsible for a lot of development that has occurred in 
the make_it_cool branch, which is currently unstable unfortunately, 
and will probably remain that way as I have to take 10 days leave 
now. (But kmailcool.org has a stable release).

Don Sanders / sanders at kde.org
KMail Cool  Co-founder / kmailcool.org
KMail  Adopter / kmail.kde.org
KDE PIM  Co-founder / kdepim.org
KAddressbook  Founder / kaddressbook.org
KDE  Contributor / kde.org

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