KDE 3.0.3 Release Notes

Raffaele Sandrini sandrini at kde.org
Mon Aug 19 22:42:10 BST 2002

On Monday 19 August 2002 18:37, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just reading your 3.0.3 release notes, and found this gem:
>   "Users of Internet Explorer, which suffers from the same problem but
> which does not yet have a fix available, are also encouraged to switch to
> KDE 3.0.3."
> I wet myself laughing at this hilarious display of Free Software chutzpah -
> very clever, snide and funny all at once.
> A nice little rocket up their collective arses. :-)
> Thanks,
> - Jeff

hehe - yeah thats a cool one...!

Raffaele Sandrini <sandrini at kde.org>

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