[patch] Working Java test for admin dir

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 8 14:40:13 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Hi this is an older patch that fixes java on Solaris, it belongs in 
kde-common, in the admin directory.  Could this patch be reviewed by a 
Autoconf/Automake guru to make sure its the right way to do things?

As far as I can tell it works on Solaris and dosent effect my SuSE 7.3 
install.  I am not sure about the test for libjvm.so and libhpi.so.  For some 
reason the current tests fail on Solaris if a) --with-java is not defined, 
and b) if you are not the tail on the second test fails with wrong args.

Is my test better?  I am more interested in code that works on both Solaris 
and on my PPC, so a better fix is desired.  Also from what I can tell 
ac_java_dir should be set prior to when it is called, but it seems like it is 
not getting set. So --with-java= must be set.  Is this correct?  


- -ian reinhart geiser
- -- 
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
		-- Charlie McCarthy
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