'Follow the leader' dialogs

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Sun Aug 4 22:29:17 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 04 August 2002 21.50, Zack Rusin wrote:

> Fair enough.
> o why  - to keep some form association between dialogs and parents if
> the title is highly non-descriptive (e.g. -title = 'Save Changes' ,
> -text = 'Do you want to save this document', -buttons = 'OK','Cancel')
> o when - whenever you have a couple of things opened and some of them
> have the 'automatic save every x minutes' feature turned on, suddenly a
> dialog pops out with a text like in the above example and the user is
> left trying to figure out which window does this dialog belong to,
> o why2 - in case where you are not ready to respond to some dialogs of
> one of the applications you have had opened and just want to move them
> (for example to a different viewport),
> o when2 - when you're working with multiple applications at the same
> time.

So, this will apply also to newly raised dialogs that don't currently have the 

I just today had a very annoying problem where I started kmail on one desktop, 
flicked to another to do some work, flicked back to kmail and... nothing 
worked.  Why? because an imap error message from kmail had popped up on the 
second desktop, just as I left it, and I didn't see it, and couldn't continue 
with Kmail in the meantime until I found it.    Having those messages show up 
with their parent app would be very nice indeed.

- -- 
Lauri Watts
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