Thumbnail managing standard

Simon MacMullen simon.macmullen at
Tue Apr 30 17:19:38 BST 2002

Previously, on kde-core-devel...

> From: Malte Starostik [mailto:malte at]
> > One thing that sucks about the current 
> > implementation is that newly installed preview plugins are 
> disabled until 
> > user enables them. IMHO it should be the other way round, 
> i.e. changing
> the 
> > implementation from an enabled-list to a disabled-list.
> OK. I will do this then.

...and have now done so. Patch is attached. The idea was to keep the
interface to KonqPropsView the same. However, I had to change
KonqPropsView::previewSettings() to be non-inline. This means that anything
compiled against it will get faulty behaviour (not crashing, but it'll be
confused by previews) until it is recompiled.

My question is: does anything apart from Konqueror use KonqPropsView? Or
more exactly KonqPropsView::previewSettings() ?

Cheers, Simon

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