Style guide decision needed (was: [Kopete-devel] Bug#40938: behaviour change request)

Rob Kaper cap at
Mon Apr 29 00:57:38 BST 2002

On Monday 29 April 2002 01:21, Antonio Larrosa Jiménez wrote:
> ... _nobody_ wrote multiple lines messages (and I even asked them to do so,
> but they simply don't know how ...

No, abusing a text edit to make Enter send would make it hard to find out how 
to use newlines. ;-)

> Just check the "use multiple line messages" box and there you are.

Yes, this would be the best solution, switching between QLineEdit and 
QTextEdit based on this setting.

Rob Kaper     | "This [party] is your idea of hell?"
cap at | "Actually, in hell you tend to know a lot of the people" | -- Cordelia and Angel, "She"

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