Things needed (was: Re: Do we really need Korn ?)

Andy Fawcett andy at
Sun Apr 28 18:48:45 BST 2002

On Sunday 28 April 2002 19:58, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> > actually used it more than one failed attempt. To quote: "tried it
> > once but couldn't do anything with it, I just use email on pop3".
> > That's hardly a valid reason to call it "pretty useless" Ralf, I
> > would
> He's just doing the same thing 99% of our users do.

Our users don't drop by core-devel and call apps useless without trying 
them. -devel maybe, kde at kde probably, even usenet.

> > expect better from you. If you need help in setting it up to try
> > it, I would be happy to give you a 2 minute tutorial on IRC one
> > day.
> Will you give that tutorial to all 7 million users out there who
> don't knwo better either?

I'm prepared to make a FAQ Q/A about it, if that's what you mean.

Andy Fawcett      |   "In an open world without walls and fences,
andy at |      we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."
tap at    |                              -- anon

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