Improving the Layout of KControl modules (was: Re Gnome ....)

Martijn Klingens martijn at
Wed Apr 24 15:23:28 BST 2002

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> Agreed, but one more thing. How on earth do I globally change the user agent?
> Without the useragent plugin from kdeaddons I can never figure this out :(
> Would it be possible for the new dialog to have an easier way for doing so?

I considered that too, but I think there is a reason why that
functionality is hidden very deep: we don't really *want* people to switch
their global user agent to MS IE, because then Konq will never show up in
browser logs.

Same reason why the UserAgent doesn't list something like 'Mozilla 5.0
(compatible; MSIE compatible; Konqueror 3.0)' or so. That also hides our
browser's existence from logs effectively.

If the general consensus is to allow such a global setting it's easy
enough to make the 'current user agent' field an edit box or editable
combo box.


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