Application duplication (was: Re: cdbakeoven)

Thomas Diehl thd at
Thu Apr 18 14:25:08 BST 2002

Am Donnerstag, 18. April 2002 12:35 schrieb Ralf Nolden:

> Now, but *please* could those people who are responsible for those 3
> programs come to terms and think of the following thing: why don't you
> just collect all your knowledge and write *ONE* program that *all* users
> can use with the maximum amount of features.
> I would ask to please move kaudiocreator and cdbakeoven back to
> kdenonbeta and publishing those programs externally as seperate programs
> until you have all come to terms which program will be a standard
> cdburning application that is included and shipped with KDE. (I know this
> isn't very fair, but KOnCD has been included first and is now shipped
> with KDE 3.0, but you have an influence in chaning that)

Happily, KOnCD was _not_ shipped with 3.0. 

1) It did not work for a lot of people 
2) Even most people who got it to work would agree that its GUI was bad
3) The developer never replied to anything

As to KreateCD versus Bake Oven and getting their devleoper teams work 
together you obviously missed the endless discussions (partly on kde-devel) 
we already had on that subject -- people just could not agree. The only 
thing they probably would have agreed was dropping KOnCD entirely.

Hence (as I presume) Waldo's Salomonic decision in

With regard to what was said in the original posting about the quality of 
Bake Oven: as a non-programmer, I still cannot comment on the quality of 
the code but

1) The "severe i18n issues (missing ones, bad spelling and grammar..)" look 
a lot worse to me in KreateCD

2) From a user and a GUI perspective I still find Bake Oven so MUCH better 
that really cannot understand what makes the KreateCD folks prefer theirs



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