Current KDE_3_0_BRANCH breaks locales
Waldo Bastian
bastian at
Tue Apr 16 19:23:54 BST 2002
On Tuesday 16 April 2002 06:48 am, Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:
> SSIA - Installing KDE_3_0_BRANCH kdelibs causes very incomplete
> translations on all applications.
> This change in klocale.cpp is responsible for it:
> + if (m_language.isEmpty())
> + initLanguage(cfg, config == 0);
> I haven't had the time to debug this better yet, but it looks like
> m_language is never empty when e.g. Konqueror starts up.
That's expected, initLanguage is supposed to be called before via
_initLanguage, the initLanguage() call in the constructor is only taken when
_initLanguage hasn't been called.
You say "very incomplete translations", what is translated and what is not?
bastian at | SuSE Labs KDE Developer | bastian at
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