mimetypes for zipped files

Marc Mutz Marc.Mutz at uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Apr 8 10:36:04 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 07 April 2002 11:50, aleXXX wrote:
> It would be for most cases enough if we had only typical cases, like
> [gb]zipped man pages, info pages, texts, maybe html files.
> Do you have another suggestion which can be implemented without major
> problems for KDE 3.x ?

Recognizing that compression is an encoding and not a mime type, I'd suggest 
that KMimeType be amended with static methods
  findEffectiveByFoo( QString & variant, ... )
for every
  findByFoo( ... ),
where "variant" is a compression or other encoding applied to the data and the 
mimeType returned is the "inner" type.
So findByPath( "hello.html.gz", 0, true, true ) returns "application/x-gzip" 
while findEffectiveByPath( variant, "hello.html.gz", 0, true, true ) would 
return "text/html" and variant == "x-gzip".
This is backwards compat with existing programs and BC.
For KDE 4, the old findByFoo methods should be removed from the API and the 
findEffectiveByFoo be renamed to findByFoo. 
This makes it possible to have per-variant overlays for icons. It also gets 
rid of the problem that backup files are not properly recognized and prompt 
the user with "open with..." when clicked. Just use variant == 

Another thing that is badly needed is allowing aliases for mimetypes. That one 
should be pretty easy. So x-world/x-vrml would be an alias for the 
(preferred) model/vrml and text/xhtml would be an alias for text/xhtml+xml. 
That would smooth the transition from "x-" mimetypes to "vnd." mimetypes 
where it has already been done (IIRC e.g. MSWord has both).

And a last thing that falls into the "nice to have (for KMail)" realm: having 
queryable default cte's per mimetype.

- -- 
Marc Mutz <mutz at kde.org>
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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