KMediaPlayer Interface

Neil Stevens neil at
Fri Apr 5 22:14:24 BST 2002

On Friday April 05, 2002 01:05, Malte Starostik wrote:
> Am Friday 05 April 2002 22:58 schrieb Neil Stevens:
> > Is it OK if I add this KMediaPlayer interface into kdelibs?  We've
> > been having some copy and paste from app to app, and it seems to me
> > that this is the way to eliminate it.
> I guess I could remove konq_sound then and use this instead? Is it
> usable without/with a custom a GUI?

It has the KMediaPlayer::Engine that's just a QObject, and a 
KMediaPlayer::Player which is a Part, so you get to pick whether you do 
your own UI or not.

Neil Stevens - neil at
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher

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