Telemetry settings: Allow user to review a sample of the data being sent before sending it

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Fri Feb 28 21:08:34 GMT 2025

El divendres, 28 de febrer del 2025, a les 13:41:28 (Hora estàndard d’Europa 
central), Martin Steigerwald va escriure:
> Hi!
> I was about to reply to the thread Jacob just started, but then just did
> not want to hijack it. :)
> First off I like to applaud the KDE community for the approach chosen
> about telemetry. It is really with the user's privacy in mind with opt-in
> and thus no data being sent by default. That helped me to agree to the
> minimal level of data being sent for Plasma and I think some applications
> where I found that setting.
> Kudos for this truly non intrusive approach. I get that you risk receiving
> a lot less data than with choosing an opt-out approach. But I applaud you
> on how you put your user's first with that approach. It builds trust.
> I can review what has been sent *after* it has been sent. Even for every
> occurrence of sending the data which is awesome! Please keep that level of
> transparency.
> What I would like to have is to review a sample of data *before* I agree
> to sending it.

That functionality already exists in some apps, no idea why it's not in 
Plasma/systemsettings, but in KMail you can press on the little "lifesaving 
float" icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen and it will show you 
what it is being sent.


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