Please document the opt-in settings on Telemetry Use page

Jacob Bachmeyer jcb62281 at
Fri Feb 28 03:47:23 GMT 2025


While reading up on the recent issue of Mozilla adding "Terms of Use" to 
Firefox, I ran across 
<URL:> and 

I have a suggestion to improve the Telemetry Use page:  for each 
program, please add information briefly explaining to users where the 
opt-in controls are and, where a slider is involved, sorting the the 
items on the page according to the slider settings and indicating them 
on the page as well.

Also, please either consider allowing finer granularity in telemetry 
choices or explaining that the relatively small selection of choices 
protects anonymity by preventing users' telemetry choices from becoming 
"fingerprints" themselves.

For example, Plasma has 10 telemetry items and a slider with four 
positions.  If users were to be given 10 independent checkboxes, those 
choices would put users in 1024 bins, instead of four.

In my case, after finding that page, I actually wanted to enable some 
telemetry in Plasma---I want KDE to know that Plasma is still used on 
X11, as I generally prefer X11 over Wayland.

(I also sometimes use KDE programs over SSH X11 tunnels, so please count 
me as a vote for continuing that support.)

Thanks in advance,

-- Jacob

PS:  Please CC me on further discussion, as I am not subscribed to the list.

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