Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss joseph at kde.org
Mon Feb 26 10:25:39 GMT 2024

Hi Christian,

On 2/24/24 22:41, Christian wrote:
> tl;dr: the experience for third party developers is, at least in my opinion,
> sub par, the documenation far from sufficient and this can be quite frustrating.
> I don't want to point fingers and I know that people doing all of this are
> volunteers, too. Just trying to give KDE developers an insight from a third
> party extension dev.
> I hope that things will get better over time and with more people on plasma 6
> and more documentation available, and I will try my best to still be able to
> port my plasmoid over in a decent timeframe, definitely not ready for release
> though. And given I already started a while ago (given people asked on GitHub
> for me to port it), I assume other devs catching your e-mail now won't be even
> nearly ready for release.

Thank you for your feedback! I am sure things will improve over time, 
and feedback, including criticism, help identify which areas need work.

I won't be able to assist with the technical issues, unfortunately. I am 
just the messenger here :/ Nevertheless, I am replying to encourage you 
and others to continue to help improve KDE's documentation for 
thrd-party devs, either directly by contributing to the relevant 
documents when you can, or by provide ongoing constructive feedback to 
help others do so!

> That aside, I am looking forward to the plasma 6 release (I definitely won't
> switch myself before 6.1 / 6.2), and I wish us all great success and I want to
> send a huge thank you out to all developers, documentation writers, designers
> and all other helpful people whose work will make this big release possible.

Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for your contributions to 
make KDE the best software it can be! :)


> Kind regards,
> Christian (Fuchs)
> Am Freitag, 23. Februar 2024, 13:19:27 CET schrieb Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss:
>> Apologies for the all caps, but now that I have your attention :)
>> With Plasma 6, various breaking changes affect existing Plasma
>> look-and-feel themes, widgets, and ad-ons.
>> We love all your stuff, but you need to port it for it to work in Plasma
>> 6. We have created some handy, easy-to-follow guides:
>>     https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/widget/porting_kf6/
>>     https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/theme/theme-porting-to-plasma6/
>> Porting is quite straightforward and should not take you long.
>> Keep our users happy! Port your stuff! :)
>> Cheers,
>> Joseph
>> (H/t Paul Brown and Nate Graham for the above announcement)

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss
KDE Internal Communications & KDE Eco Community Manager
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Matrix: @joseph:kde.org

Generally available Monday-Thursday from 10-16h CET/CEST. Outside of 
these times it may take a little longer for me to respond.

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