Join the Akademy 2024 Program Committee!

kieryn at kieryn at
Mon Jan 29 19:09:30 GMT 2024

Hi Friends!

It's time to start thinking about Akademy 2024 and how you can be part of making the event a success! Right now, we're looking for volunteers to be part of the programming committee.
What is the programming committee? I'm so glad you asked! Basically, this committee is made up of people who have been actively involved in KDE over the past year and want to help make the Akademy program useful, relevant and enjoyable for everyone. We're looking for 5-7 volunteers who are willing and able to:

* Help decide what topics would be important to include in the Akademy program
* Willing to reach out and invite potential speakers
* Invest 3-4 hours to review and choose submissions for the program.

If this sounds like a way you'd like to contribute to Akademy, please send an email to akademy-team at!


Kieryn Darkwater
+1 207.837.7932/ +49. 1512.944.6376
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