Why (some) KDE software are not available in Android stores?

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Wed Jan 10 18:12:03 GMT 2024

On Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024 15:44:27 CET Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024 15:22:50 CET Filipe Saraiva wrote:
> > Just a doubt, KDE has several interesting mobile software which support
> > Android but they are not available in Android stores, like Neochat,
> > Tokodon, Alligator, Kasts, etc.
> Those apps are available in our F-Droid "stores":
> https://community.kde.org/Android/F-Droid
> But I guess you mean the Google store (and maybe other proprietary Android
> stores).
> > Why? Is that some technical reason related to our stack, person-power
> > hour to work in provide these releases, or other thing?
> The lack of person-power is the most important reason. The technical process
> is pretty straightforward nowadays, but someone needs to check if the apps
> comply with the store policies.
> No. Wait. For new apps there's also a technical reason. For new apps Google
> Play requires application bundles (AAB) instead of APKs. We can build AAB
> (at least for Qt 5) on invent, but we cannot sign them yet. Shouldn't be to
> hard to add given that it's mostly identical to APK signing. I'm going to
> work on this once signing of Windows binaries is done.

Related to that: we probably want to use a new key for the AAB signing, as we 
have to hand that one out to Google when publishing AABs to their store AFAIU?

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